WiC Ingame CP Hometown

A command point composing of 2 perimeter points

The command point is an area of control that the player can capture as territory in World in Conflict. Each command point is made up of 2 to 4 circles, called perimeter points.[1]


In order to capture a command point, a team must have at least one ground unit in each circle simultaneously. Once a command point is captured, each player that was involved in capturing the point will be rewarded with 5 tactical aid points.

In the domination game mode, command points control the domination bar, which determines the winner of a match.


Once captured, each perimeter point of a command point can be fortified with emplacements by having units remain in the perimeter point. The more units there are in a perimeter point, the faster the fortification is built. For each fortification that is constructed, the team is credited with 5 tactical aid points.

The three fortifications are built in the following order:

  • WiC Icon Fort AI Machine-gun fortification: A fortification that has a splash attack on enemy infantry and helicopters but weak against armor.
  • WiC Icon Fort AT Anti-tank fortification: A fortification that has area-of-effect on enemy armor and infantry but weak against aircraft.
  • WiC Icon Fort AA Anti-air fortification: A fortification that has a strong attack on enemy choopers but weak against infantry and armor.


The colour of a command points designates which team controls it:

  • White: means neutral, no team controls the command point
  • Green: means friendly, the allied team controls the command point
  • Red: means hostile, the enemy team controls the command point


  1. Massive Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment, World in Conflict. September 18, 2007.